Selling to prospects who are already interested in your product is straightforward.

They're what we call "manus-raisers" which means they've done preliminary inquiry and decided your concern has a solution. However, starting a relationship with someone who's never heard of you or isn't actively looking to solve a relevant challenge is tough.

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It'due south not impossible. With the skills, empathy, and a program, you'll exist able to find the prospects who have a demand for the products yous have to offering. I apply the post-obit v techniques to kick things off with these kinds of buyers.

i. Sell the dream.

Not everybody you're selling to will be interested in your product, but they're always interested in themselves. Creating a vision of what the prospect's life might be like when they purchase your product is a dandy place to starting time.

Think nearly Nike's catchphrase, "Just do it," or Burger King'due south "Have information technology your way." These phrases don't tell y'all what they sell. They tell you lot what you tin can practice with the things they sell.

When I telephone call on a VP of Sales at a Fortune 500 company to sell her my house's services, I certainly don't atomic number 82 with, "How-do-you-do! I'g Jeff from Boston, and I sell sales training and consulting products. I'd like to introduce my services. Is this a good time?"

Yawn. That isn't interesting to her (or me!) and information technology certainly doesn't make her curious to detect out more than. Instead, I practice this. Every bit soon as she picks up the telephone, I say, "Hi. I got you lot live on my showtime punch, and when you lot hire me, I'll teach your sales reps how to do the exact same thing."

Now, I have her attention. Yous'll notice I didn't fifty-fifty introduce myself or describe my services. Instead, I've managed to gain her attending and plant the first seed of curiosity. Just after she'southward interested, will I then take the fourth dimension to introduce myself and my services. At present that she's actually listening, of form.

If y'all sell copywriting services, you might look for errors on your prospect's website and e-mail them with the corrections, adding, "Every bit your copywriter, I'd ensure your site was 100% typo-free at all times."

If you provide leadership training, y'all might say, "It looks like you lot've been hiring a lot of middle managers lately. That often occurs when internal candidates aren't beingness properly developed. What would it be like to have an 80% internal promotion rate?"

two. Pique their marvel.

Once you've gotten your prospect to agree to another call, your goal is to keep their attention. I use this strategy to do just that.

At the start of the coming together, I'll say, "Before I forget, I desire to ask you something related to our last conversation. Let'south go into the calendar now, simply will you remind me?"

They'll say, "Sure, no trouble."

At the end of the telephone call, they'll either inquire, "Hey, what was that thing you wanted to talk to me almost?", or they won't mention it.

If it'south the former, I know they're engaged and present. I've also managed to create a petty intrigue. If it's the latter, I know they don't really care (and I should either try a dissimilar approach or move on).

Wondering what to bring upward? I unremarkably ask something I actually desire to know that's as well short to include in the agenda, such as, "What percentage of your acquirement comes from channel sales versus direct?"

iii. Use past successes (non failures) as your guide.

I've always found it far more than instructive to focus on what went well and try to replicate specific successes, rather than to dwell on mistakes. Our minds often behave like a search engine, displaying the results that reverberate your query.

For instance, if y'all Google "don't show me fast-food restaurants" you are spring to go a massive list of fast-food restaurants. Coincidentally, if you only focus on how things haven't worked in the past, then that'south probably all you volition e'er see.

The skillful news is that the same rule applies if you focus on the things that have already worked. One way to reinforce that mindset is to reach out to your electric current customers and enquire about the things that got them interested in your offering.

Look for trends in their responses and then reuse those successful approaches with future prospects. Who knows, they might say, "Hey, that'due south not why I took your meeting, I took it for this reason."

The best answers for how to sell can usually be found from the people you have already closed.

4. Enlist your prospect as a teacher.

One of the fastest means to earn engagement and involvement is to understand the fact that your prospect wants to be respected and heard. Learn the opinion of the person you're speaking with and have that opinion seriously.

Think of it this way; we'd all mostly agree we don't talk to strangers. Only if a stranger approaches you on the street and asks for assistance, you'll probably help them.

We're wired to help others, so use that to your advantage when speaking with prospects. If you lot're having problem getting your prospect'southward It director on board, say, "We've got to have It on board for this deal to shut. How would you lot approach this person? What roadblocks do yous foresee?"

Use the information they give you to shut the deal.

5. Create a sense of urgency.

While we would never encourage y'all to utilise scare tactics to brand the sale, creating a sense of urgency with prospects who are on the fence nearly your offering can be a helpful approach.

Here are some ways y'all tin create urgency to get your prospect to invest in your offer:

  • Offer a short-term discount or incentive: Whether you provide a lower price for prospects who purchase by a specific terminate date or include a bonus offering by a specific date, these offers tin can create a sense of urgency past rewarding decisive action with fifty-fifty greater value.
  • Emphasize the firsthand do good of your product: You should take a solid agreement of the problem your prospect is trying to solve. Create a sense of urgency by emphasizing how the purchase of your production tin provide an immediate solution or relief to their problem.
  • Communicate scarcity: Knowing your offering is limited or simply available for a short time can create a sense of urgency for buyers. Whether you are selling a product that is limited-edition, or are selling a service that is only available to a specific number of customers, communicating these parameters during the sales process tin entice buyers to brand their purchase immediately.

6. Sell your key consumer do good.

The primal consumer benefit — or KCB for short — is the master benefit that a characteristic within your product provides to the client. Now, this isn't a free pass to rattle off all the features of your product and ask your prospect to buy it. The KCB needs to be communicated from the perspective of "do good first."

Here'southward what that looks like:

"Your sales team needs help closing their deals faster to keep their pipelines good for you.

67% of sales managers concur that a sales hub software helps reps shut deals iii times faster than reps who don't use software.

We know this affects your bottom line, so we've developed software that lets you optimize and rails that progress in real-fourth dimension. What types of decisions would you make if you lot had this kind of data?"

Discover the mode this idea is structured? Instead of mentioning the trouble outset, I explain the need and justify it with something nosotros can both agree on. And so, I gear up the feature with some data to build credibility and authority effectually my product.

Finally, I empathize with the prospect by referencing their bottom line, and I briefly mentioned the production I sell. I finished the statement past request an open-ended question that invites the prospect to imagine themselves benefitting from the product.

7. Be biased about your production.

I encounter far too many reps pretending to exist unbiased in an endeavor to audio "credible." The heir-apparent, who is both educated and experienced, expects sales reps to exist biased. In fact, cipher you say volition make a client forget that ultimately, your job is to go them to buy your product.

And then, stop pretending. If anything, practice the opposite: Believe that your service is simply the best.

Your heir-apparent is sophisticated. They sympathize the apply of hyperbole. Embrace the fact that you're excited well-nigh your offering and that you'd love to share your point of view.

When you tell prospects your product is "the all-time on the market place" or that your customer's sales team "will be bravado out their numbers after working with united states," y'all aren't having an academic discussion relying on data to defend your conclusion — you're sharing your stance. Customers trust those opinions that are authentic and genuine, not merely impartial.

eight. Exist transparent about your production's capabilities.

Along the same lines of being biased about your production, you lot desire to be transparent almost it, likewise. Sometimes, that ways admitting when your product doesn't do something exactly the mode the client would adopt.

For example, a client wants to know exactly how many leads take been moved to opportunities on a infinitesimal-by-minute basis. The software you lot sell syncs near one time an hour. Information technology's important to exist transparent and note that your product doesn't sync that quickly. All the same, you don't have to mention it in the negative. You lot tin always share helpful solutions to issues like this.

Maybe your production supports integrations with other systems that can sync a chip faster. By reframing product limitations with creative solutions, you can become a helpful resource to your prospect and build trust with them as a issue.

ix. Be a valuable resource.

Moving-picture show this. Yous're in the market for a new mattress, and the sales rep at ane of the mattress companies you lot are considering provides stellar service. Not only do they actively listen to your concerns with your electric current mattress and sympathise what you lot're looking for in your next purchase, they're able to confidently speak to how their product is the perfect fit for you.

They accept been able to get you an answer to every question y'all asked, and they've even shared some valuable content about sleep health, and how their mattress can aid you get the best sleep of your life.

This rep has gone above and beyond for you earlier you even became a customer so just imagine how circumspect they will be in one case you are onboard.

During the sales procedure, how you treat a prospect while they are still because your product gives them a glimpse into what life equally your client could look similar. If yous serve as a resource earlier they buy, y'all're building trust with your prospect that is valuable in the long run.

x. Find common ground.

Your prospects want to discover a connection with you lot, even if information technology doesn't seem that way at outset. Requite them what they want past doing your research beforehand. Observe something you have in common, and if you lot can't get in your mission to find common basis in the get-go couple of minutes on your call.

The primary common ground with prospects who are interested in the solution you offer is only that — your production! Leverage this in your initial conversation with the prospect to see why they were interested in speaking with you. You lot'll likely uncover a lot more data when they know y'all take something in mutual.

11. Make the decision convenient.

When tasks are inconvenient or complicated to complete, we're less probable to practise them. That's one reason why businesses like Uber, Instacart, and Amazon are so ingrained into our lives.

Consider your prospect'southward situation. Equally a sales rep trying to close a deal, your contract is likely non at the top of their list of things to complete. Making the decision easier for them could be the defining factor.

Peradventure y'all but demand a unproblematic "Yeah!" in an email. Giving them a few bullet points that highlight the contract tin can be the difference between the deal closing in five minutes vs. five days.

Brand it known that you empathize that they have a busy schedule and yous can augment the process to exist more convenient. They'll definitely appreciate the thoughtfulness.

12. Continue the chat going.

If you lot don't succeed in making the sale the kickoff fourth dimension yous pitch, don't exist discouraged. By using the tricks higher up, you likely have congenital a level of trust with the prospect that is invaluable. The "no" could very well exist a "non right now". Keep the door open with this prospect in example they change their mind, or are a improve fit for a unlike offering. Hither are a few ways you can keep in impact with your prospect:

  • Connect on social media: If yous had a smashing conversation with a prospect, ask to connect on social media. Seeing what content your prospect shares will give you insight into what products they are using and how they experience about them. Not but that, when they see the content you share, it will go on your conversation and production top-of-mind.
  • Ask for feedback: If your prospect is open to providing feedback about your product and sales approach, have them upwards on it. This feedback provides useful data almost how you could ameliorate your sales process in the hereafter and allows you to stay in impact with the prospect longer, which can be helpful for winning them over at a later engagement or with a different offering.

Attract Customers Online With These Strategies

Not being in person or on the phone poses a unique claiming for sellers equally it'south more than challenging to make a personal connectedness to aid persuade potential customers to buy. Attract customers online with our tips.

1. Provide them with social proof.

Recollect when you were younger and your parents harped on the importance of drinking water, saving money, and eating a counterbalanced breakfast? Now, think nigh how many podcasts and idea leaders you lot follow that say the same. You listen at present, don't you?

No matter how many times you say something, people want to hear it from some other source. This has little to do with logic and more to do with bias. People already have their minds made up later on a brief run across with yous, your product, or the brand you represent. You lot can expand their perspective and proceeds their trust through social proof.

This can exist done through highlighting user reviews, articles mentioning your product, or simply other influencers using your product and praising it online.


When Tori Dunlap, founder of fiscal education platform Her First 100K, was featured in Glamour, she made sure to share it across her social channels.

Attract customers using Instagram example: HerFirst100K

Image Source

When potential customers see that your product or service has been vetted and canonical by an outside source, it adds brownie to your brand. The boost in popularity may also help convince them to purchase.

two. Drive more traffic to your site.

Customers can't make purchases if they can't observe your site, so making sure your site is Google-friendly is a must. Utilize search engine optimization (SEO) for an organic traffic boost.

Your brand should have a market niche yous can target with content tailored to your audition. Each topic you write nigh should include related keywords you tin can use to help your article rank higher in Google'south search results. Once users click on your blog, make it easy for them to find your products using a well-placed call-to-action (CTA).

Leverage your social media channels to increase appointment and drive more visitors to your site. Share your articles and other valuable content with your target audience. Information technology's important to notation that organic traffic is not a quick set, but more of a long-term traffic strategy.

For a quicker jolt of traffic, you can consider paid advert platforms like Google Ads, Meta for Business, or TikTok for Business. Due to the added expense, going the paid traffic road may not be the all-time option for small businesses. However, if you have a dedicated marketing budget, paid advertizing is a useful tool to have at your disposal.

3. Harness the power of email marketing.

Another method online businesses utilize to attract and retain customers is email marketing. Once y'all've reeled in users to your site with your astonishing content, employ a CTA to entice them to sign up for your email list or newsletter. This style you lot tin market to them when they're not on your site and keep your brand peak of mind.


Attract customers using email marketing example: HE Creative Free Shipping UK-based design firm HE Artistic sent the marketing electronic mail above giving me a heads up regarding their new offerings and limited gratuitous shippping. In add-on to blueprint services, they have a shop with apparel, accessories, posters, and children's books with a punk rock artful.

Attract customers using email marketing example: HE Creative Sending a targeted email showcasing your new products is a great manner to reengage customers. I hadn't shopped with them in a few months, but I definitely browsed their store after receiving the email.

four. Offer an introductory discount for new customers.

Discounts tin can be a useful tool when trying to attract new customers. It's not uncommon to come across eCommerce businesses offer a disbelieve of 10% to 20% off first purchases.


Women'southward clothing brand NGO Bolingo utilized this tactic on their site past using the discount offer in a CTA.

Attract customers using a discount example: NGO Bolingo CTA

Prototype Source

Incentivizing potential customers with a discount is a keen way to encourage people to take immediate action and make a purchase.

How to Sell More Products

What's better than making a sale? Making even more sales. Here are our tips to help you heave sales.

1. Tap into your existing customers.

While it may be tempting to focus your efforts on attracting new customers, chances are your business is already sitting on a goldmine of existing customers. That'southward right, your existing customers are more valuable than new ones. In fact, repeat customers spend more than on each buy than new, or first-time buyers.

Introduce them to your new products or retarget them with an email marketing campaign.

ii. Introduce a referral programme.

Another way to utilize your existing customers is to implement a referral program. Discussion of mouth is an incredibly valuable marketing strategy and in that location'south no better fashion to attract new customers than having electric current ones vouch for your product or service.

Encourage your existing, happy customers to share their experiences with their colleagues, friends, and assembly. As an incentive for bringing in new business organisation, you tin can offer them a discount or additional services for each referral they bring in.

3. Clarify competitors to see where y'all can add value.

Do you have competitors selling like products or services? If so, it's worth taking stock of what they offering and their marketing strategies. Compare pricing, products, services, and wait at their client reviews. If there is an area where they are falling brusk, you can capitalize on it past solving for the client and providing more value.

For example, if you sell production management software, maybe you take an edge over your competitors because your platform has congenital-in analytics. Whatever your strengths over your competitors are, play them upward.

four. Consider using abased cart software.

For online sellers, abandoned carts come up forth with the territory, but you do have options for encouraging customers to complete their purchases. Abased cart software is a tool that can help y'all figure out why customers are leaving your site before completing purchases and can also help you convert them to get more sales.

Plugins like HubSpot for WooCommerce can easily be installed on your eCommerce site, and include features similar real-time client reporting, recovery email templates, customizable coupon codes, and email drove.

Brand Your Product Irresistible to Prospects

We've touched on a few different ways to sell your products and services to people who are set up to make a decision. The common thread that ties these tactics together is customer empathy. By appealing to your prospect for help, yous'll satisfy their want to be heard and earn their involvement in helping y'all close the deal — merely by asking for it.

This article was originally published in March 2021 and has been updated for comprehensiveness.

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Originally published Mar 10, 2022 eight:00:00 AM, updated March ten 2022