
how to find magnitude of net force

Imagine a aeroplane flying at 3000 yard above sea level. The air current crashing against its wings every bit it comes from several directions; its enormous weight pushing it towards the ground; its engines producing the necessary push to go on information technology in the air… it is definitely a circuitous scenario if you consider all the forces acting on the plane'south fuselage.

At present, imagine yous are a plane engine designer. In lodge to determine the correct characteristics and requirements for any of your designs you demand to consider and model all the potential forces both the airplane and your engine will be subjected to. This exercise tin can atomic number 82 y'all to really circuitous scenarios involving lots of forces acting in unlike directions in 3D. But don't worry! Physicists also have a corking ability to simplify such scenarios and reduce problems into their basic components.

Calculating the net strength acting on a body which is beingness subjected to several dissimilar forces tin help you to significantly simplify your job when modelling complex situations. This article will guide you using simple examples to illustrate its meaning and how to summate information technology footstep by stride.

How to calculate cyberspace forcefulness

  1. Draw all the forces acting on the torso.
  2. Locate the coordinate system in a way that produces the minimum number of angles with the forces.
  3. Split each force in its horizontal and vertical components using its magnitude and the sine or cosine of each angle.
  4. Assign the correct signs to the components depending on the selected convention.
  5. Add the horizontal and vertical components separately.
  6. Calculate the net force magnitude and management based on the net horizontal and vertical components.

What is net forcefulness

Newton's second police force of motion relates the force applied to a body, F, and its resulting dispatch, a. It is expressed mathematically through the following equation, where the body's mass, m, is the proportionality abiding:

F=ma (one)

Let's exercise a thought experiment to endeavor and understand what this equation ways. Imagine you are at the grocery store and want to move a cart around to put your groceries in. If the cart was initially at remainder, pregnant information technology was not moving, and you push it, information technology will start to curlicue at a certain speed, let's say i g/south. In this instance, the cart went from zero velocity to 1 m/due south in a very short menses of fourth dimension.

Since there was a alter in the cart'southward velocity, we can say it was accelerated. If that change in velocity occurred, for example, in a timeframe of one 2d, we can say the acceleration was exactly 1 chiliad/s2. Go ahead and read the department chosen "How to measure acceleration" to sympathise how we got this effect. Now, according to equation 1, if there was an acceleration, there had to exist also a strength causing it, which is the one you lot applied when pushing the cart. The mass in the equation is, in this example, that of the cart, which is constant. This thought experiment is summarized by this image:

Now, you have a cart to put your groceries in. Perfect. But, what would happen if somebody rushes into the store, realizes in that location aren't any other carts left and decides to grab your cart? Imagine you lot pull on it only the other person does it as well. Will the cart be accelerated by the forces acting upon it? In which direction will information technology finally motility? Well, that depends on who is stronger, correct?

Allow'southward say you pull the cart with the same forcefulness as earlier only this fourth dimension towards yourself. The person wanting to steal your cart does the same thing, simply he or she is only half as strong as you. That person would be pulling the cart in the opposite direction as you with a force that is one-half every bit big equally yours. In this case, the cart will cease up moving towards y'all, since you lot are the stronger i, correct? Nevertheless, the cart will non move every bit fast as before. Let'south meet why:

If you were able to move the cart from 0 m/due south to 1 m/s in the course of one 2nd before, you volition probably reach a lower terminal velocity this time, since the other person is pulling in the reverse direction, thus slowing the cart downwards. Now, if the cart stealer'south force is half as yours, according to equation 1 the final acceleration of the cart will exist half equally before, so 0,v thousand/s2. This means that after one 2d, the cart volition motility at 0,five m/s. The adjacent image will make things clear. Meet how the arrows representing the forces have different lengths? This is because Fyou is twice equally big as Fcart stealer.

The divergence in both cases —y'all pulling alone and yous and the cart stealer pulling in opposite directions— is that the total force acting on the cart is different, and therefore the dispatch that is caused by it is besides unlike. That total force must then exist some type of sum of all of the forces acting on the cart. However, since forces are vectors that sum is of a special type: a vectorial sum.

Vectors are concrete entities which have a magnitude and a direction. Magnitude is the intensity of the vector and expresses how big the physical variable is. When talking about forces, the magnitude is measured in units called Newtons, named after sir Isaac Newton, who discovered the principle expressed past equation 1. In our previous cart-pulling case, nosotros may say you were pulling the cart with a force of 1 Newton, or 1 N. Consequently, the cart stealer pulling opposite to yous exerted a forcefulness of 0,5 Due north on the cart.

To simplify this exercise, we can draw the cart as a single point. Physicists use this type of simplifications all the time to make calculations easier. In this instance, that point will take the same mass as the entire cart, kind of equally if it had complanate into a single point of space. This is why information technology is called the center of mass.

For all our calculations, the middle of mass will have the same effect as the entire cart, and information technology will be represented past a gray circle. Nosotros tin can now draw all forces acting on this point, a.k.a. our grocery cart:

Y'all might have noticed we drew 2 yellowish axes right in the center of the gray circumvolve. This is chosen the coordinate system, which is a convention that helps us know what is "up" and "downward" in our imaginary experiment. Nosotros have conveniently placed information technology with the x-centrality pointing along the line formed past the two opposing force vectors. This helps us to simplify our calculations, since no angles are formed between the vectors and whatsoever of the axes of our coordinate organization.

The coordinate organization lets us define that whatever vector or whatever of its components pointing to the right, in the aforementioned direction every bit the x-centrality, volition exist positive. In turn, any vector or component pointing to the left will be negative. This could be the other manner around and the result would be the same, so no worries! In our cart-pulling experiment, the force you exert on the cart is positive, so +one North, while the forcefulness the cart stealer exerts is negative, -0,5 N.

Since all the forces acting on the body of interest lay along a single line, we tin can just add them without the need of any further calculation: +1 Northward + (-0,5 N) = 0,5 N. This is the magnitude of the resulting force existence applied to the cart. The direction along which those 0,5 Northward are being exerted is to the right of the x-axis. This is because the result of our vectorial sum is positive (call back we divers that everything pointing to the right of the x-axis would be positive). This mode, we can calculate the resulting force that the cart experiences from your pull and that of the cart stealer combined together.

Now, if this resulting force were not the result of two forces acting at the same time, merely a single forcefulness being practical past some other person alone, the effect on the cart would exist exactly the same: it would advance at 0,five m/s2 to the correct. In summary, we can have one, two or fifty-fifty more than forces interim together on the cart, and the consequence could still be the same, provided their vectorial sums are the same. This happens because in every instance the net force is equal.

Internet force is defined as a unmarried forcefulness vector that causes the same acceleration on a body as all the individual forces interim on it. This means, the internet force is the vectorial sum of these forces. As such, it can replace the original forces without changing the physical result. This concept is very useful when you lot have many forces acting on a body. With some simple calculations you can turn all of those force vectors into a single one and obtain the same effect! Let 's see how.

How to find internet forcefulness

Let'due south recap some of the steps of our previous example and try to generalize them and then they apply in many other cases. The first thing we need to do to analyze whatsoever problem involving forces acting on a body is to place the origin of our coordinate system on the almost convenient spot. A common place to practice so is at the eye of mass of the body existence analyzed. Now, what management should the y- and x-axes be pointing in?

Use the next epitome as an case. The origin coincides with the center of mass and we take decided to identify the x-axis in the same direction every bit F1. This way, the other 2 strength vectors form angles and with the 10- and the negative y-axes, respectively. Actually, placing the ten-axis in the aforementioned direction as F2 or F3 would be equivalent, since the remaining two forces would and so form new angles with the axes of our coordinate system.

Tip i: select a management for the axes of your coordinate system that produces the to the lowest degree possible amount of angles betwixt the forces and them.

Having done so, nosotros can start breaking down the forcefulness vectors into their components, meaning their horizontal (x) and vertical (y) parts. For this, we need a convention for what is positive and negative. A very mutual 1 is that any vector or vector component pointing to the right (positive ten-axis) or upwards (positive y-axis) is positive. Consequently, any vector or vector component pointing to the left (negative x-axis) or downwards (negative y-centrality) will exist negative.

Separating these two perpendicular directions is very helpful, since we tin then add together all the horizontal components together and obtain the cyberspace horizontal force. After doing the same with the vertical components, we can and then limited the net strength acting on the torso as a unmarried vector with its own horizontal and vertical components. Allow'south do this practice forcefulness by force:

F1 does not class any angles with the axes of our coordinate system, since it is aligned with the x-axis. This indicates its magnitude acts solely horizontally, in the direction of the x-axis. Its horizontal component is therefore positive (it points to the right) with a magnitude of F1, while its vertical component is cipher. This means, no portion of this vector acts in the management of the y-axis.

On the other paw, F2 forms an angle of with the x-axis. If an angle is formed, some portion of the vector acts horizontally and some other portion acts vertically. In order to find these components, we need trigonometric functions, such as sine and cosine. If we excerpt the portion of the previous drawing containing only F2 it would look like this:

In this case, co-ordinate to the definition of the sine of an angle, sin =F2y/F2, where F2y is the vertical component of the force. If nosotros solve this equation for it, nosotros obtain: F2y=F2sin . At present, since this vertical component is pointing upwards, information technology is positive according to our convention. On the other paw, according to the definition of the cosine, cos =F2x/F2, where F2x is the horizontal component of F2. If we solve for the component of interest, we get F2x=F2cos . Since this vector is pointing to the correct, it is positive.

Tip 2: use the trigonometric functions sine and cosine to calculate the components of the vectors that form angles with whatever of your coordinate system's axes.

Just so yous go along it in mind: vector components are also vectors. This means they possess a magnitude and a management. The former is a portion of the original vector'due south magnitude, and  information technology depends on the bending it forms with 1 of the coordinate system'due south axes. Their management is the same equally that of the axis they are parallel to.

Now we have the vertical and horizontal components of both F1 and F2. Go alee and detect the components of F3 by yourself applying the same procedure we used for F2. Pay special attending to the sign convention and remember anything pointing to the left or downwards is negative. Yous will notice a summary of all the components of our iii vectors in the side by side tabular array.

Table 1: vector components summary

Vector Vertical component Horizontal component
F1 0 F1
F2 F2 sin F2 cos
F3 -F3 cos -F3 sin

Now that nosotros have all the components of the three vectors acting upon the torso nosotros tin can start calculation them together. The vertical and horizontal components should be added separately, keeping the signs we have assigned to each of them based on our convention. To complete this example, allow's use some real numbers. Let's assume F1=ten N, F2=10 Due north, F3=seven North, =45° and =threescore°. Now, we tin complete our table and add together the results together:

Tabular array 2: vector components values

Vector Vertical component Horizontal component
F1 0 10 North
F2 10N sin 45°=vii,07 Due north ten Northward cos 45°=7,07 Due north
F3 -7 N cos 60°=-three,5 North seven N sin threescore°=-half-dozen,06 N
Total 3,57 N 11,01 Northward

The net strength acting on the body is a vector with a vertical component of three,57 N and a horizontal component of 11,01 N. Now, how do we know its total magnitude and direction? The total magnitude of the cyberspace force can exist calculated using the Pythagorean theorem: since the vertical and horizontal components are perpendicular, if we bring together them together they volition form a right triangle.

The magnitude of the internet force is the hypotenuse of the right triangle, meaning:

Fnet=Fnet-x2+Fnet-y2 (2)

In our example, the magnitude is: Fnet=eleven,57 N. To determine its direction, we just need to plot the resulting vector and everything becomes a lot clearer:

The net force points to the right and upward, since both of its components (horizontal and vertical) are positive. Information technology must then class an angle with the ten-axis, which we call . To calculate its value, we only demand to calculate its tangent: tan =Fnet-y/Fnet-x. Since we now the values of these two components, we can summate the value of the tangent of . Finally, to find the angle, we just demand to summate the inverse tangent since tan-1(tan )=. In our example: =tan-1(3,57 N/11,01 Due north)=xviii°.

Y'all have found the value and direction of the net strength acting on a body. Remember, this vector has exactly the aforementioned effect as the original three vectors acting together, and therefore yous accept significantly simplified this trouble!

How to measure acceleration

Acceleration is the rate of change of velocity in time. If a car goes from 0 km/h to 80 km/h in i minute, which equals 0,01667 hours, the acceleration in that menses of fourth dimension is calculated like this:

a=Final velocity-Initial velocityTime=80 km/h – 0 km/h0,01667 h=4800 km/h2 (3)

This result tells us that, for every hour that passes, the car will increase its velocity in 4800 km/h! In the example of the text, the grocery cart goes from 0 m/s to 1 m/s in 1 second. This means its acceleration in that catamenia of time was:

a=1 thou/s – 0 one thousand/s1 due south=1 m/s2 (4)

Other helpful sources

Utilize this PhET interactive simulator to empathize the concept of net strength in a circular of tug of war, a game you take probably already played! Place the different players on each side of the rope, clic go! and see who wins. You can also see the different force values and the resulting speed.


PhET interactive simulations. Academy of Colorado Bedrock. Consulted on May 2d, 2021 at:


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